torx screwdriver allen key (suitable for the screws of the new gear knob) Phillips screwdriver Utility knife.
Yes we are starting.
When we remove the gear bellows, we will see one torx screw on the elfreni side. We're removing this.
Now we can dismantle the screw knob. Let's pull the bellows back and turn it 90 degrees counterclockwise. A job that requires some HP.
We are installing the bellows compactor of our new gear set.
We screw the bellows through the compressor
Next procedure Installing the gear knob. We attach the ring to the gear lever as in the picture. Let's not forget to loosen the allen screws on the knob.
The momo kit in the picture comes with 5 separate rubber seals. We choose the suitable one for our gear lever and make it tight.
Now we can seat our gear knob and tighten its screws.
And we can wear the bellows with the ring.
And the end of our operation .. Enjoy :)
Haşim Ayaz
Haşim Ayaz
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