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Cut the vehicle's tires off the ground and make sure you fix them securely.

Let's push the hydraulic piston back by taking support from the caliper body and disc with a strong flat screwdriver. (Let's not forget to loosen the brake fluid reservoir cap before, because there will be a hydraulic return from the piston to the tank)

We unscrew the bottom screw (M6x20mm) holding the caliper with a suitable wrench. For the moment, we're just loosening the top shaft.

By turning our caliper whose bottom screw has been removed, we are unloading our linings. At this point, no factory parts are oiled and greased, but cleaning or painting can be done with rust remover sprays if desired. This is your personal choice.

If we are going to continue disassembling the disc, we now need to disassemble the top spindle (M8x20mm). And now we dismantle our caliper and suspend it to a suitable place. We take care that the place we suspended does not damage the hydraulic pipe.

We unscrew the M10x20mm screws on the back. Finally the caliper belt comes to naught.

We unscrew the M6-Torx30 screws on the front of the disc.

The disc has been stuck to the hub because it has not been removed for years. With a plastic hammer or wooden handle (definitely not a metal hammer), we make it separate from the hub by tapping the disc from the back slightly. We ensure that the disc does not fall hard on the ground by supporting it from the front with one hand.

We install our new discs and pads in the exact sequence. below are the required torque values ​​for screws ..

M10x20 mm 80Nm M8x20 30Nm M6 Torx screws hand force

Haşim Ayaz

Haşim Ayaz

Hit : 7315


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