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FIRST STEP REMOVE THE CLAWS OF THE SHIFT FRAME FROM THE SLOT Image reduced to 89.06% of its original size. Click this bar to restore to full size. SECOND STEP" 89.06% of its original size. Click this bar to restore to full size. THIRD STEP TAKE YOUR GEAR FROM THE BOTTOM BY TURNING TO THE LEFT TO THE RIGHT AFTER IT IS IN THIS POSITION THE FOURTH STEP IN THE BOTTOM PIPE Image reduced to 89.06% of its original size. Click this bar to restore to full size. FIFTH STEP ATTACH THE NEW KNOB AND MAKE SURE IT FITS IN PLACE (SOME MODELS ARE LATCHED, SOME MODELS ARE SOME) SIXTH STEP. INSTALL THE VITES CUBUGUN AS IN THE PICTURE WITH CALIPER RETURN Image reduced to 89.06% of its original size. Click this bar to restore to full size. SEVENTH STEP TURN THE KNOB IN THE WAY SIDE OF THE CEYREK TOUR ISTE RESULT :) Image reduced to 89.06% of its original size. Click this bar to restore to full size.


Haşim Ayaz

Haşim Ayaz

Hit : 4870


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