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We mark the pancake with reference to the cardboards we create in speaker sizes. With a drill, we drill a hole through which dumpage can enter. then we line the rear trunk from the rear speaker cable according to the pinouts in the table. We hide the cable line in the entire vehicle along the ties. We can extend it to the pancake under the cover on the rear seat side or seat belt side. Here are the pictures:

PIN Name

A1 Signal Mute (input)

A2 VAN Data (input / output)

A3 VAN DataB (input / output)

A4 + VAN (input)

A5 + 12 V Commuté (output)

A6 + Eclairage (input)

A7 + Permanent (power supply input)

A8 GND (power supply)

PIN Name

B1 + RR loud-speaker

B2 - RR loud-speaker

B3 + FR loud-speaker

B4 - FR loud-speaker

B5 + FL loud-speaker

B6 - FL loud-speaker

B7 + RL loud-speaker

B8 - RL loud-speaker


Option RB3 RD3

C1 Remote control Input 1 n.c. n.c.

C2 Remote control Input 2 n.c. n.c.

C3 Remote control Ground n.c. n.c.

C4 Remote control

+ ligting output

n.c. n.c.

C5 Remote control

Ground ligting

n.c. n.c.

C6 n.c. n.c.

C7 n.c. Voice synthesis + left Line in

C8 n.c. Voice synthesis - left Line in

C9 n.c. Voice synthesis + right Line in

C10 n.c. Voice synthesis - right Line in

C11 n.c. Aux (wire) + Line in

C12 n.c. Aux (tel) - Line in

C13 CD Changer Van Data / pin A2 CD Changer Van Data / pin A2

C14 CD Changer Van DataB / pin A3 CD Changer Van DataB / pin A3

C15 CD Changer Bus GND CD Changer Bus GND

C16 CD Changer + Permanent (output) CD Changer + Permanent (output)

C17 CD Changer + VAN (output) / pin A4 CD Changer + VAN (output) / pin A4

C18 CD Changer Audio GND CD Changer Audio GND

C19 CD Changer Left Audio input CD Changer Left Audio input

C20 CD Changer Right Audio input CD Changer Right Audio input

Haşim Ayaz

Haşim Ayaz

Hit : 5583


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