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I wanted to share with you the logo painting process I applied on my own vehicle. The total cost of the application is 30 YTL. I hope you like it.

We open the hood of our vehicle and clean our logo from dust and dirt with a dust brush.

We tape our logo very carefully with paper tape. The utility knife should be used carefully for sharpness.

We apply the plastic lining we bought from the industry in 2 layers at intervals.

Now we can go to the painting process. I preferred a heat-resistant red spray paint because it gives a matt appearance and is resistant to sun and engine temperature.

After throwing in the 2nd and 3rd floors .. We remove the tapes and papers without smearing the paint around. It is useful to remove it immediately. It will be difficult to remove the tapes when the paint dries. When removing the tapes. Let's take a napkin, we can wipe the touched places with it.

You can paint your calipers and drums with Increased Paint.

Here is the result. We now have an interesting logo.

IMPORTANT! : After the painting process is over, never use paste or polish because the heat resistant paint we use is not suitable for this job. Friends who want more shine can apply a coat of spray varnish when the paint dries, if they wish.

Haşim Ayaz

Haşim Ayaz

Hit : 9855


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